Thursday, April 26, 2007


Life sucks. I have a cold. Stay away.


Sou said...

Oh salamtak.. Cold in this weather that suckssssssssss

Coconut said...

why all guys i know have cold these days? is it somethg to do with ur gender men :P

Italiano said...

Sarah: *sniff* Yeah it does. Imagine this hot weather and my mom telling me she just made some hot soup for me. WTH? Mothers.

Thunder: So, it's a gender cold. May be that's why it's aggressive :P

Coconut said...

italiano: looooooooooooooooooooooool, ur a shrew , begad :D

Coconut said...

btw, shrew as lemed,,,,dont get it wrong, i like when people are lemdin & smart in responses

Anonymous said...


bb_aisha said...

hope u get well soon

Nora said...

Hey babe..
Get well soon!