Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Boycott Israel, boycott Starbucks

Never thought I'd say this but I've decided to boycott Starbucks coffee. Yes, even if it's the best coffee in the world. It wasn't until lately when a friend of mine refused to buy coffee at Starbucks. I mean, come on, I was thrilled it's finally opened here in Egypt.

Read this and this to know what I'm talking about.

Howard Shultz, the chairman of Starbucks is an active zionist.

Starbucks, ladies and gentlemen, supports Israel and Bush's so-called war on terror.

I have a Palestinian friend who now resides in Canada and he used to tell me about his horrible life back in Palestine and what those Israeli scumbags did to him and his family. It's a lot like you see in the news on TV, you know the part when you avert your eyes...

So, I'm asking you (not telling you--feel free to do what you want) to boycott Starbucks. Yes, it's amazing coffee and could be the best (but hey we didn't die before Starbucks showed up here), but unwillingly you're supporting Isreal and the war in Iraq. Think twice before you step inside Starbucks next time and before you take the next sip of coffee.

For some reason, I'm so disgusted now by their coffee. I keep remembering that I should be a good Muslim and support my Arab brothers and sisters.


Coconut said...

Italiano: i'm so impressed & honored to know someone like you.seriously, i'm having a high level of respect for you after redaing this. not only because You are right, but also coz i mistaken you at beginning. honestly, i never expected such way of thinking from you, i'm sorry but i'd a stupid assumption you're that carefree dude who just goes to "on vogue/trendy" places without such thinking behind. So i thought- like many other egyptians- you hurry to record ur name at Starbucks cafe, labeled as the trendy stylish guy. may be u never imagined it & 4u it's just a gr8 coffe, but believe me i know people who just go to be labled as starbucks guys.

Personally I boycott starbucks & never went at either of its branches, i knew the zionist story since 2 years,even before its launch in Egypt so i decided not to go there,
"We won't die without their coffe but many Arabs do die with their coffe" right!!

i join you in the boycott call Italiano, forgive my idiot assumption & from now on... xpect a total gr8 level of respect & appreciation.

Sou said...

I totally agree with you.. I add my voice to yours and will help in making a stand.. After all it is just coffee and when it is put in the scale with death.. Guess which would be taken lightly.

Sagacious Sara said...

I'm with you all the way. I'm not that desparate for a cup of coffee.

Your post totally hit home. I became very good friends with a Palestinian guy who lives there. And he's a reporter. So even if the "story" doesn't happen in his own neighborhood, he goes to it. Its really hard for him. He calls me so many times, depressed and stressed out. Poor guy.

We definitely don't need to add the burden.

Anonymous said...

I always appreciate Good Cofee 1/2 Italien Guy!!!!
& from all countries of the world that I visited, Italy remains to me the first country... Where you can still smell fresh coffe "scent" meters away in the streets....

But allow me, aren't you a bit exagerating with this "Anti- Starbuck Caimpaign" ???
It reminds of old "Stupid" campaigns in Egypt against Pepsi Cola, Coka Cola, Marlborow cigrettes where 'All of a sudden we saw the Devils's name " in the name or logo's of these companies...(either reading their commercial names backwards in Arabic. Like the case with Coka Cola... i.e, if you read from backwards the arabic transcription of the world "Coka Cola", you'll read a Blasphem of the Prophet Mohamed!!! A ting that can only exist in such a country like ours ...were we have tons & tons of illeterate people,adding to them tons & tons of people who went to schools & supposedly universities....But who doesn't know that Coka Cola name exists since the begingigs of the 20th centuary when it was first used as a medecine.. How come, that 80 or 90 years latter that good & aware Muslims never noticed that if you read the arabic transcription of "Coka Cola", u're blaspheming the Prophet's name...Ha HA HA HA & HA

Or,when you buy a pack of Marlborow, you're like adhering to the KKK clans , because of the graphic desigh of the letter M on the cigarette's package.!!!!!

Of course all this fall under a conspiracy theory, that tells us that Zionists have planned 100 years ago the Geo-political conditions of the Middle East & the World in general...Isn't a bit helarious to believe in such notions????
God, Jesus & Ya Ilahi...we are completly blinded by those steril notions that lead no where ....

Now the latest story "en vogue" in Egypt between young people is: "Let's Boycott Starbuck, because they are zionists!!!!!!!!!!!"

I don't understand such a contradiction in thoughts as I see that the Starbucks that openned lately in Heliopolis is aways packed & full of coffe lovers , & especially , young "Coffe Lovers"!!

Why, in that case 1/2 Italiano, if you are boycotting Starbuck ( That Zionist Devil, why don't you stop eating bread as well???
DO you know Mr, that about 80% of the imported flour comes mainly from the US,in the form of a loan!!!!! Imagine!!

Also, if I were that keen "pure arabist", I wouldn't use my car, since all of the gas on the markets in Egypt, is coming from multinational oil companies, that in your own terms can be cathegorised in the "Zionist Cartel ruling the world

Do u knoe, Mr "Anti bla bla bla"...that almost all palestinians ( from outside the occupied territories) ... DOn't really want peace & Preffer the Status Quo of WAr since it serves them right for their interests ( Also services right the Israeli side as well)
Excuse me , if I don't defend "Palestinians" eversince the day , I overheard a conversation between two of them & who were "literali;y insulting & criticisinG Egypt... although they were living here in this contry that openned its arms wide for them, & even gave them more rights in education, citisenship Etc... than natural Egyptians"""

Since you're promoting "Pro-Victimised-Palestian ideas", let me Sir, in your Blog say that they all suck from what I experienced from them either in Egypt or Abroad... It;s a Doomed Nation that is not relly looking for peace in their occupied territories & Also those of them who had a status of "Political Refugee" are having the best conditions in all the countries they fled to, & believe me, They never & will never return in their New Country or "Promised land" Called Palestine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May be the ones who are really, "misjudged" in this stagged Drama by both parties, are the ones living the harsh conditions in the "occupied territories" & don't have the chance as other palestinians to flee this situation!!!!!

So Finally, if those poor palestinians stuck there in the occupied territory & whou ar enot even helped by their own wealthy people living abroad...Who would come forward to rescu them???

Anonymous said...

Amazing post, Italiano. 100% with you on this.

Hathor: Your comment made me laugh so much, you don't get it, do you?

Nora said...

You were a business student right? I mean, I am sure you know that Starbucks being open here does provide jobs for Egyptians, the company pays taxes which would help the government, most of their paper products are from Saudi Arabia which helps the Saudi economy and makes them pay more taxes on this stuff which helps our economy, the ingredients for the coffee such as the milk, sugar, etc are Egyptian so that means higher demand at these factories which creates more jobs and also causes activity within the Egyptian economy...
I think that we live in a time where it is impossible to boycott something because it originates from a certain country.... or supports a certain country.
We are living in a much more global era than that...
Each company comes with its pros and cons.. but I think the pros of Starbucks outweigh the cons.
Sorry to disagree... ;o)

So, am I banned from reading your blog while I am sitting at Starbucks?

Italiano said...

Ra3d: Now I don't know whether I'm flattered or annoyed. You have respected and appreciated me after reading this? Which means before that you didn't and if I hadn't said that, you wouldn't have anyway...

Makes me wonder. But I'm glad you were mistaken anyway, Thunder ;)

Sarah: Yup, just coffee my friend :)

S. Sara: Exactly and thanks for stopping by.

Hathor: Oh how I've been looking forward to replying to your comment ever since I read it. Where do I start? I've never heard this crap about Coca Cola, Pepsi or Marlboro and frankly, I don't care because it's CRAP, based on false theories and assumptions. You see the difference? Can you see it at all? (I doubt you can after the examples you used). I'm not talking about Starbucks here because the chairman Schultz is ONLY an active zionist, Miss "I think I know it all and have a voice".

Did you read the articles I linked to? At all?

Let me quote some things for you:

"While the Israeli army was committing war crimes against Palestinians in Jenin, Nablus and Bethlehem, Schultz, explicitly accused the Palestinians of supporting “terrorism”, and claimed that their Intifada, or uprising, was a manifestation of anti- Semitism."

"Numerous sources revealed that Starbucks continued its support to Israel by sponsoring fund raisers for the Jewish State."

"Starbucks is also known for strongly supporting the U.S. President George W. Bush’s claimed anti-terror campaign, used as a guise for the disdainful acts of the U.S. government aimed at boosting its hegemony worldwide."

Let me start by saying who the heck are YOU to decide what's good for the Palestinians or not? No, really...enlighten us. Did you actually say :"Do u knoe, Mr "Anti bla bla bla"...that almost all palestinians ( from outside the occupied territories) ... DOn't really want peace & Preffer the Status Quo of WAr since it serves them right for their interests ( Also services right the Israeli side as well)"?

OK, whose side are you on? Your Arab brothers and sisters or the other side? And has it accidentally slipped off your too-brilliant mind that we were also at war with Israel not so long ago? Have you seen or heard what they did to us? So, what they are our beloved friends now all of a sudden?

What about those in Iraq? The war is good for their souls, too?

STARBUCKS SUPPORTS ISRAEL AND THE WAR IN IRAQ. If you don't get that, forget it.

Nora: Yup, I was. It's OK to disagree. I won't hate you.

That's right, if you're at starbucks stay away from my blog. Other than that, please read on ;)

Coconut said...

Italiano: i said "high level of respect" so i already have since redaing ur blog, or why i was a frequent reader here!!
i don't read for people i don't respect & know they have minds & good thought.However,after this post, respect & appreciation sky rocketed for u, i'd have been flattered if i were u, not annoyed.grrrrrr
not coz of boycott idea bas but also coz of the way you think & stand for ur ideas & beliefs. i boycott Starbucks even b4 launching at Egypt, but never said this OUTLOUD as u did. see the difference!! u're simply a proactive.

hathor: what u say is just like ,excuse me, some Arabs who try to find excuses for not supporting their nation. talking about palestinians who sell their lands, betrayed their brothers, living here & at Jordan in luxury,working with Israelis,bla bla bla. even if this's right, does it give you excuse to take part in killing those innocent who do still live in Palestine, fighting for their freedom? do u've excuse to pay for weapons killing Iraqis?

in all countries thruout centuries, there were betrayals & conspiracies, so it's not a miracle if it happens also in Egypt or Israel history for example.reading ur comment,i don't think ur any better than those traitors u mentioned. hope people question their claims before shooting them off.

grey said...

hey there italiano... congrats on the nice blog.

i do agree with you on boycotting starbucks for the reasons you mentioned and also because i read somewhere that Shultz donates all of the profit he gains on Saturdays from all of his world-wide branches to Israel...

hence,boycotting starbucks is completely different from mcdonalds, coca cola, and all other American based me, there's a huge difference between america and israel.

not all of the american public hates us, but at least 99% of the israelis do.

Mak said...

Italiano: Ok... I didn't know this. I'm usually skeptic about this kind of thing. I never boycotted anything. But I think I can live without Starbucks. I hate coffee anyway. And now we have a cafe every couple of meters.

So, I'll boycott just to be on the safe side.... it's too friggin expensive anyway.

Hathor: lighten up. Why are you so angry? People make choices all the time. Remember that most the anti-campaigns are launched by competitors, and if someone feels right boycotting something then it doesn't matter... especially if you have alternatives.

bb_aisha said...

Yay! i did a post on boycotting israel a while ago too. Visit for a full list,and the reasons why. Boycotting is the least we can do. Altho it definitly shud b against active zionist support companies,not just 'cos its american' im constantly surprisd by ppl who'll protest the oppression of palestine,then buy products supportin israels growth.

bb_aisha said...

And I thought I was slow at updating :-) Life pretty hectic in Egypt:-p

shafee2a said...

guys,i'm not a fan of starbucks or anything,but do you think that starbucks is the only thing that channels the funds to Israel? Don't you think that all other american coffe shops, restaurants ,fast food restaurants which we all know,consumption products of all kinds that fill our markets...don't you think that percentage of the profits generated by all these items isn't used by USA to support Israel's existence in the middle east? and the So-Called war on terror??
i'm just saying that if we decided to boycott starbucks we should boycott everything American.If we can't i think it's meaningless.

Fesh said...

Assuming you are right about Shultz's support for Isreal, here's my question: What does that have to do with Starbucks?

Starbucks is a public company, it's not a charity. So I am quite sure that they have not been flowing money to Israel to 'support' it. This defies all common laws of Capitalism.

What is more probable however -and I am assuming here- that Shultz is a devout Jew and he supports Israel.

So what you are essentially saying, is that since Shultz is using his fortunate to finance Israel and since Starbucks contributed to Shultz's fortune, I'll boycott Starbucks?

Man, welcome to the world of money laundry we live in, drug dealers and arm dealers 'clean' their money via corporate investments and buy overs all the time. If you follow this logic you'll find that each and every corporation is 'wrong' by your logic.

P.S: I looked at both articles you linked too, the second one (for Aljazeera I believe) doesn't work. For the first one, I couldn't understand what are the credentials of this website, I tried the About Us page and got to know they are a Software Company? I don't know about you, but personalty, I would prefer more credible sources for information that would guide my actions.

shafee2a said...

Guys,the truth about starbucks,,,wake up!

Read this please:

Read the logo section here too:

The Logo isn't "Ester" or any Israilian Queen, or a metaphor for any zionist or jewdist ideology,it's just a friggin' mermaid...

The Company is American just like any other American company in the middle east so i think if you'll boycott it you better behave in the same way regarding all the other US companies..then it would make more sense..

Anonymous said...

Hi brother,
I highly appreciate this hot soul in you. Actually, I started hearing about Starbucks' Coffeehouse's until I stepped in the United States in that i am from morocco and we do not have it there. Just three days from my arrival to the States, a little bird told me that a great amount of the company's benefits go to support war on Palestine and Iraq. Please, if interested, join the "I wont support STARBUCKS.. i wont give the Israelis the money to Kill US" group on Facebook. Salaam

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

charlotte O'Brien said...

excuse me???
i don't know where you get your half-brained ideas from, but if you're posting them online they should at least be based on facts to some extent.
i know you're an arab and you want to support your brothers, but just take a look at israeli history and you'll see that over and over, without fail, the arabs are the ones who initiate violence, dissent, and conflict on the israelis, not the other way around. It happened that way from the establishment of the jewish state. the world knows the jews belong in israel, they were expelled from their land years ago, and from the beginning the palestinian arabs did everything in their power to deny this and turn the world's sympathies to themselves. just look at the antifada, when arab terrorists were regularly bombing buses, shopping malls, and other neutral locations all over israel, while the israelis desperately tried to restore peace. look at the war in the north of israel in 2006, during which katyushas were being sent over the border, killing innocent people and evicting thousands from their homes; people who could not stay where they due to the constantly falling rockets. look at the situation in sderot today. and what of the palestinians? the entire gaza strip was given to them in a peace effort, as was the sinai years before. but they aren't satisfied. so i wouldn't go posting one-sided statements about israelis going after palestinians. there's a lot more going on here than you've written.

Cristina M. Ch. said...

Completly agree with you... I have been in the boycott to Israel and mostly Starbucks ever since... like 8 months ago or so.

Now they are in city stars too :-S

Keep it up!

Ciao :D

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