Sunday, April 22, 2007

Only 17!

Well, if I talk about rude or horrible girls again, would you shoot me?

I can't help it. I have to. So, if you're upset already, just move on and don't read any further. If you aren't be my guest :)

It happened that I was (again) with a friend of mine (a guy) and we were at this lovely cafe. And apparently someone's forgot to mention that now girls smoke like there's no tomorrow at the age of 17! (I know many guys at 17 do, but aren't girls supposed to be so feminine and delicate at this innocent age or did I miss that?)

There were these two girls. One was wearing a tight jacket, the other a weird cap and top and both of them kept smoking one cigarette after another. I wanted to ask them to stop. They looked--what's the word--wasted, may be?

Then, they started staring at me and my friend and smiling, then laughing so loudly. We both looked at each other and thought NO WAY! We were almost ten years older than them.

Apparently, the girls didn't mind.

So one of them stood up and walked toward us. "Excuse me, do you have a matchbox or lighter?"

My friend was a smoker and even though I warned him not to with a look, he smiled and handed his lighter to her.

She lit a cigarette, smiled and just stood there. Waiting for us to say something.

I looked away.

"Enta shaklak mesh masry 3la fekra?" she said, addressing me.

"Last time I checked I was an Egyptian, "I replied, coldly.

She took the hint. "It's just me and my friend over there and we just thought you guys look so cute and may be we could be friends?"

Since when have girls become so rude?

"Do you know how old we are, sweetheart?" I said.

"25-28," she said.

"And how old are you? 18?" I asked.

"No, 17."

"And you're heavy smoker at 17? What will you do when you're 23? Smoke a chimney?"

The girl was offended, thank God and hit it off.

Girls like that make me sick.


Nora said...

Ouch.. I guess it is scary when you realize what this country is actually like. I still live in my happy little bubble most of the time and I do not want to accept the fact that things like this happen or that there are people like that out there.
So, what was it that bothered you about them? Or is it the whole package kinda thing?

Anonymous said...

I worry, pointless as it is, I still do. We were at a cafe with friends and on our way out there was a table of what must have been 14 year old guys and girls. They were enjoying a round of shisha (at 14!!!) and to my utter amazement were gambling!! They had a pack of cards and a pile of money at the center of the table and I couldn't believe how casual everybody else was about it! What would it take for someone to actually find it shocking? Did they have to be drinking! Or perhaps if it was strip poker!!! Go figure!

Sou said...

Well I do not know where girls like that have the guts they are just so young and yet so reckless and gutty.. Being 18 and having the hots for 28 years old guys is somehow something for me..

Sagacious Sara said...

Poor guy. Its the same everywhere. Sometimes I can't stand going anywhere because of these kids. They're so loud, and they do things I wouldn't dare do at my age!

the lonely twin said...

I have to tell you that I'm dissapointed in you...
you said that you know guys who smoke at 17 and what suprised you is the fact that there are girls who smoke at 17... don't boys and girls get affected by the smoke equally? so why is it ok for guys and not for girls and for your information I was 17 two years ago and I wasn't such a child and back then I had lots of friends who smoked.. I didn't I still don't but it's a health issue not related to the image whatsover... the fact that they appraoched you guys is a bit weird cuz ur obviously so much older... I don't think I wouldv'e ever done it... but hey don't blame them ur hot !! :p kiddin... don't want ur ego to get soaring up the wall...

Coconut said...

batal tokhro ba2a,seems ur a very appealing catch for gurls here ;)

i can't imagine how gurls are so rude recently, especially at that age. i always have my mouth wide open everytime visiting a friend at home & meeting her 17 old sister who just looks , talks & acts as a big lady in her 20s, she surpasses me in many aspects

looool @ ur experience, but u handld her quite well, very wicked & cool bravo 3alik

Italiano said...

Nora: It IS scary how things have become nowadays. The hole package bothered me; their looks, attitude, smoking, clothes...etc.

Juka: They were just 14??? Seriously, I fear so much for this country and what standards we have reached!

Sarah: ;) lol

Sara: Exactly!

TLT: Who said guys who smoke at 17 don't upset me? Read my post again. Did I say they make me proud? It's just girls at 17 who smoke are more shocking, at least for me. I generally don't like girls who smoke wala keda kaman 3eib eny a2ol keda? :P

And you're just worried about health issues?! No, it's also an image issue. If they smoke at 17, what will they smoke at 30?

Don't worry about my ego. It soars up most of the time anyway :D

Thunder: Ya salam? w afdal a3ed fel beit ba2a wala eih? I have a cold nowadays so I haven't been out and won't any time soon 3ashan tefra7y :P (kidding)

Yes, they are so rude. Most of them. You said it :)

Yes, bravo 3alaya, mesh keda? :)

Coconut said...

salamtak italiano, does my commands are fulfilled that quickly??,,wooow, i should watch my supernatural powers from now on,,looool

yeah most of them ;) thanks for reminding,, ur cool
we bravo 3alik tab3an,,not sarcastic

the lonely twin said...

look I'm against smoking... but I always tend to defend girl smokers because they are looked down upon while guys can do drugs and not be looked down upon... guys can do ANYTHING and not be looked down upon... maybe I also become so defensive cuz many close friends and even my sister started smoking at an early... maybe I'm just used to seeing young girls smoke... cuz for you I am considered a child hehe :P look I'll just tell you one thing... some girls smoke a lot but never in public... so does it really matter? their are destructing their health anyways

Italiano said...

Thunder: Yup. That's me. Cool.

TLT: Why do I feel your offended, or as you just said defensive? I looked down upon all my male and female friends when they did drugs/smoked when we were teenagers. Nope, you're not a child. Your age is wonderful, full of prospects and dreams and some sort of delicacy. Smoking won't make you seem or act older and won't make you earn respect from people around you.

the lonely twin said...

No I'm not offended at all... I jsut like defending girls who smoke... anyway it's no big deal don't like girl smokers.. I don't like guys who wear pink t-shirts :D haha it's a matter of taste.. and btw I really respect non-smokers bas kol 7ad ye3mel elly bra7to do you get what I mean? anyways.. end of discussion cuz I hate long debates on posts and I'm not offended.. I never get offended

bb_aisha said...

its so refreshing to hear this point of view

Outlandish said...

Girls have gone wild, they just do ANYTHING to attract attention and smoking is sort of a trend these days, be it cigarettes or shisha. I hate when I see teenage kids smoke, guys or girls, they're just pretending to be something they're not. I wouldn't have dared to smoke in public when I was 17 :) and I used to make fun of guys doing drugs and hated the idea.

I hate to say this but our country is really gowing down, young people are just lost and shallow. But what's with girls coming on to guys, that's sooooo vulgar I think..ughhh

It's really cool how you handled this situation ,but I feel you're bit biased against smoker girls, maybe because am one :) Anyone doesn't look so nice smoking, a girl or a guy.

I used to feel awkward to smoke in public, but I thouht to myself people have to accept me the way I am, it's much better than girls at work who come take cigs from me to smoke in the ladies room, that's childish.

Anonymous said...
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shafee2a said...

Couldn't agree more with outlandish,it's bad for both guys and girls,and as for those two we sure weren't 17 , we were babies!! what's this country coming to?!

Anonymous said...

So to dispell all replies; I'm nothing; so you can take all those attacks on my authority to the garbage. My loser ass kinda stumbled in this website And well, I just didn't like what I saw to be honest. hmmm...Who cares if they had the hots for you guys. It's not a bad thing. And also you're cold response to "you don't look egyptian by the way", was just uncalled for. She was surely trying to compliment you. If I was a girl and that girl, I would've thought you were some weirdo. And from my knowledge girls usually like older guys (even much older guys), it's a common thing, so I don't understand why it's so "weird" by you guys' standards. I think enta ma3a2ed wa bas. I'm even willing to say by the anomosity I felt from your writing tone that you actually liked it but couldn't go for it by ideological principles so had to respond with hatred in order to suppress such sentiments.

Anonymous said...

Italiano Egipto, i adore your politeness and behave with these teens..Not all can ignore fresh chicks like that..i wish that not bcoz only of smoking on that age make you stay away with them but also not taking advantage with their abusive minds of their freedom set them free from yours...your the man inspite of being a resident of UAE surrounded by egyptians, but i guess if these teens lived here, they will feel sorry for their actions...stay cool and great!